Coaching Services
The 90 Day Life Changer for individuals
The 90 Day Life Changer for groups
The 14 Day Intensive Life Changer
Credit Coaching program
Resources + Strategies = SUCCESS
The power of taking IMMEDIATE, not reckless, action carries a momentum wave that once you get on it, the energy of it can carry you to your destination before you know. So how can we (as a team…you and I – or us if its a group) start this wave?
By enrolling in one of our Life Changer coaching programs
The 90 – Day Life Changer – just as the name implies this program consist of 90 days of life changing work to help you reach your must urgent life changing goal and then learn to repeat the process for every other goal you have. Weekly 45 minute sessions via phone/Zoom or in person if travel/schedule permits. Daily habit reinforcement and action item reminder emails/calls/text. Specific resource recommendations to help you save time and reach your goals more efficiently.
The 14 – Day Intensive Life Changer – this is the 90 day program basically shortened, intensified and personalized over a 14 day period with several hours of work each day. This is the hardcore, I need it now, I’m truely dedicated to immediate life change, ready to play hard and get ready for the big game in a few weeks coaching. Two (2) one – hour sessions (morning session and evening session) by phone/Zoom or in person if conditions permit. Hourly habit and action item reinforcing. Resource sharing and accountability for completing task on a daily basis. Unlimited access via phone,email,Zoom to confer and collaborate with (not be counseled – thats not what coaching is)
So what specifically will we be working on?
Getting rid of old BS (Belief Systems)
Building and reinforcing SUCCESS HABITS
Identifying and implementing S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based) goals
Making these changes QUICKLY and for the most part *PERMANENTLY
Developing your own customized PLAYBOOK which will act as your personal manual to repeat this process for other goals without having to go through another coaching program.