Now Available for Online Coaching .
Are you looking for life changes NOW instead of sometime off in the far future? (you know….one of these days I’ll be,do,have ….fill in the blank)
Are you suffering from a bad case of the “UN’s”? (you know UNhappy UNmotivated UNfocused UNcaring UNemotional UNattached…etc)
Great….that means you are part of this great race of spiritual beings going through this very human process and experience.
But now its time to get you off the bench of life and into the game. Now its time to make you a star player in every aspect of your life and/or business.
Now its time…for Coach Jones – The “Do It NOW” Coach
When it comes to your goals and changing your life/business for the better, I focus on 3 things and 3 things only
How to do it FAST – some goals or life changes you’ve already been waiting on or trying to accomplish for years, why not make this the time to get them done or at the very least moved into that active space where you can see them manifested
How to make it LAST – sometimes you’re motivation for change or reaching your goals ends when the cheering stops. Thats not real change. Lasting change comes when you become your main advocate ,motivator and cheerleader because the game never ends – it just changes from one court to the next
How to REPEAT the process – You don’t just have one life or business goal do you? Of course you don’t, thats why we work on developing your own personal “Playbook” so that you can repeat the same strategies and habits over and over in each area you want to win in.